Tweet Generator Hilariously Spams Abortion-Restricting Lawmakers with Serious Vagina Questions [View all]
Tweet Generator Hilariously Spams Abortion-Restricting Lawmakers with Serious Vagina Questions
- Erin Gloria Ryan
Are you an on-the-go woman with a burning hatred for the angry old white guys who are trying to regulate your ladyparts? Do you desire, more than anything, to have conservative lawmakers' personal input on your Down There Problems? Does your busy schedule mean you have no time to ask them all of the women's health questions they're determined that they're qualified to answer? Well, do I have a Tweet generator for you.
The ACLU's #WannaBeMyDoc tool automatically sends anti-abortion rights lawmakers health questions more burning than your vaginal discharge, free, instantaneously, and much more painlessly than an IUD insertion. If you want, you can pen your own health questions "Speaker Bolger, My period is very heavy for 2 days followed by 2 days of no bleeding followed by 3 light days. Wut's goin on?" or you can have the tool generate questions for you. Samples include "What's a dental dam? Could I get the same results with a hoover dam?" and "My cramps are worse than usual. Can you fit me in this afternoon?" You can see what other people have come up with on the hashtag's Twitter page. Feminism 2012. Trolling our way to equality.
The #WannaBeMyDoc tool follows the proud nose-tweaking tradition of other effective, sarcastic protests against anti-abortion lawmakers this year. Arizona Republican Trent Franks was visited by dozens of concerned Washington, DC residents who had pothole complaints and other civic concerns after the Congressman attempted to ban abortions past 20 weeks in the nation's capital. And who can forget the vandalism of Virginia's Ryan McDougle's Facebook page, which led to other pro-choice pranksters trying similar techniques on other lawmakers?
The rest of the piece is here