Couple thoughts, [View all]
As I pass my year since rehab. 2 thoughts seem to high in my brain a bit lately, and I just wanted to share.
A neighbor ( non rehabbed) said something to me regarding my battle and how he might have liked the drunk better, cuz now I seem moody. I admit, my response was gruff and pointed, and bordered on out of bounds.
He came back bout 45 mins later, and said he was hurt by my reaction and I had no right to react in that manner.
To which I made a point him to him,that Im wondering if I should have bitten my tongue. I told him there would never been a reaction with out his poorly worded initial action.
My 2nd thought is, I dont hide my rehab. But Im wondering if thats the right move. I feel like all the folks who drink around here( full time in campground in TFG section of Fla) are ready to judge me harsher. Reminds me what one of my old coaches told me a long time ago avoid folks who hold you to a higher standard than they do themselves
Interested in some long timers thoughts. Am I over reacting? Still a lot rawer than I realize?
Thanks for reading