I was thinking of you all today [View all]
and have just gleaned over the new posts, Slip, I sincerely things go well for your husband, Karin, Tab, Ruby the rest of you, I think about you all alot. And please kick me for not mentioning you SollyMack
My heart and thoughts are with you even though I may not post as often as I should.
Today is our 45th wedding anniversary, This month we've celebrated my wifes birthday and Valentines Day.
All days that we thought we would not see together. From the roller coaster to the new normal of a sort. My wife is
currently on short term disability and seems to be healing, actually healing. We are scheduled for her next surgeons appt on the 9th of
March in the morning then an oncologist appointment that afternoon. They are discussing more chemo, whether to or not. The determination will be made then.
As the cholangiocarcinoma is rare in the states, they don't have a set treatment or followup plan. She is a guinea pig and a test case.
I know this is dis jointed as hell but I wanted you to know someone cares about all of you even if he doesn't know exactly what form of this disease you or yours has.
Thanks for all the kindness, OTC