It described almost to a tee what Carol has been thru the last three weeks. It talked about the nadir, or low point of the cycle when WBC and platelets are at their lowest, and that the next round of chemo would not be administered if the counts had not started to recover after passing the nadir.
So we went to the hospital for bloodwork again today, the fourth day out of the last six. I'm thinkin this doctor must own some serious stock in this hospital as much as she has us going there. But then I read that about the nadir and I understand why she was doing it, she was looking to see if Carol had passed the nadir and had started to produce WBCs and platelets again......which in fact, she has! HEr platelets were at 39,000 Tues and up to 60,000 today, a sign that she has turned the corner. Still low, but headed in the right direction. I read that it took 3-4 weeks for levels to return to normal. It hasn't been three weeks yet, but it will be Saturday. So she is basically "on schedule" to recover.
I feel a little better today knowing this is the norm and not an exception. I know you guys told me she would get better, but what you see is what you are experiencing at the moment, and I what I was seeing wasn't all! She is still weak, but getting stronger and eating more. She is on an exercise schedule now and we start diuretics in the morning to help alleviate the ascites and edema problems that are exacerbating things. Chemo now scheduled for Tuesday, but no carboplatin. Taxol, and maybe something else. Don't know what's coming next.......but I'm holdin on!