Low-carb diets may burn the most calories [View all]
I have made an effort to eat low on the glycemic index since I was in my mid-twenties and had serious problems with hypoglycemia. I am now 44, eat a satisfying, varied diet and still have no problem maintaining my weight. More important, I FEEL better when I eat like this. The diet seems to help me sleep better and gives me more energy overall, including more energy for workouts. It ends up being a continuous, positive loop.
On the low-carb diet, people burned the most calories but also experienced increased stress hormones and inflammation. "Both of those are key heart disease risk factors," Ludwig said.
Meanwhile, people on the low-fat diet experienced the most negative consequences regarding insulin resistance, lipid levels and HDL (or good) cholesterol.
"The low glycemic index diet gives you many of the same [calorie burning] advantages of the low-carb diet without any of the extremes," Ludwig said.