I've spent $1200 in two weeks at car care center. 600 last week thinking the nonstarting issue was fixed with a new alternator. 620 this morning for some code engine light thing their A plus tech was working on. I'm stressed and need a reliable car.
The ladies at the desk said I could ask the tech the details. I sorta have ocd. So, I politely asked to talk to the tech to get the details. I was very deferent and polite and good humored. I did ask a few times if the issue was fixed.
Walking out to the car, my SO told me I embarassed" him by "questioning his competence" and that was "a bad idea" btw, my SO constantly embarrasses me. He derided me in the car on the ride home. Again, I was polite and appreciative to the mechanic bc I wanted to know how they drilled it down, I hope, bc seeing a check engine light after droping 600 is very distressing. I'm undergoing TMJ therapy thats $$$$$$$$.
Was I wrong to ask the tech? I'm not speaking to his mfing ass. I don't think I did anything awful. We spoke abt 5 mins. When I worked, I had to come out and explain things to patrons sometimes.
I'm not happy in this relationship. But we pool our money to live. He said he's never coming with me again to the car care center due to the humiliation I caused. Pls be honest. Did i do something awful?