I learned a lesson about when to take my 'as needed' anxiety medication. [View all]
Yesterday morning I had one of those 'out of the blue' anxiety attacks, probably triggered by something in my subconscious. I took 1/2 a tablet of my anti anxiety medication which generally relaxes me in to a short nap. All went as it should.
Last night there was still a shadow of anxiety but I didn't think it was enough to warrant taking the other half of the tablet. I was wrong. I woke up after just 3 hours of sleep and had a hard time falling back to sleep. When I finally did I had a horrible nightmare. This is just the 2nd one I've had since starting on this regime of medication. I woke up absolutely soaked in sweat.
Lesson learned. I dealt with my anxiety, unaided, for years. During that time I barely slept and suffered from pretty close to nightly nightmares. I have to be careful to not fall back in to that pattern, especially during this holiday season. I'm not someone who looks forward to Christmas but I do have my family over for Christmas Eve dinner. Hopefully they won't give me a hard time about my preferring to spend the next day with my kid cats, watching anything but Christmas movies.