Encourage her to allow a trusted family member to be a part of her care team. Encourage her to sign a release of information for that person so they can communicate with her provider/s. It can be frustrating at times dealing with the system, when it comes to adults with serious mental illness.
Unfortunately, we have over corrected from the days of locking people away indefinitely .These days, It can be difficult sometimes to get help for adults when they dont voluntarily seek help.
Anti psychotics are effective. Especially for the positive symptoms. (Hallucinations, delusions, paranoia).
The negative symptoms can sometimes be harder to treat. Negative symptoms can sometimes look like depression, but its not. Not wanting to be around other people,not finding joy, reduced speech, Avolition- Not being able to start or complete things, which can make it hard to keep a job or attend school.
Unfortunately sometimes people are considered lazy when people dont realize these are still symptoms of the illness.