I wish these "pro lifers" [View all]
Would stop their idiotic yammering about UNBORN life and show some concern for life that's ALREADY HERE!
An example...... In my state, the infant mortality rate is abysmal. In some cities like Youngstown and Cleveland, infants die within their first year of life at the same rate as third world countries! Talk about an utterly shameful statistic!
Poorer moms and babies don't do well because they for the most part don't have access to prenatal care and newborn care or they simply cannot afford it. Pilot programs in other states have shown marked improvements in mom/baby quality of life when proper medical care is provided and a visiting nurse sent to the home for the entire first year of life to check up on the new moms and kids. (But, of course they ALWAYS run out of money) .....Why don't these bloomin idiots rally in Washington to support access to doctors and hospitals for low income moms and babies? I thought they wanted to save lives??? We always seem to have money for the military and to give rich people even more money, yet this issue goes on and on with very little concern.
When they yammer on about "Abortion stops a beating heart!" .... doesn't poor or no medical care do the same thing???