Not sure if many remember me from DU 2(I was petersond), but I've had a very hard two years in terms of weight gain/loss. I think the last time I posted on DU 2 about my weight I was around 350 or so, and in Nov of 2010 I sadly beat my all time weight high of 425lbs, by getting up to 467lbs. In January of 2011 I start my gradual weight loss, I lasted about 5 months and got to 436 and quit. I then went about a whole year without any working out/dieting persay but I pretty much maintained my 437.
In June of this year I start exercising again, walking at first just to get my ass moving, doing anything, and I told myself I wouldn't post here until I got below 400, why I'm here now. I'm down to 394 and I hope to keep it going this time around. I felt like such a failure the past 2yrs, both in my personal life and with my weight. I was so down I didn't even want to post in the old DU 2 forum because I felt like a failure.
Its crazy how I let myself go this time around, I usually put the brakes on when I get near/just over 400 and this time around my give a shit was no where to be seen...even as I grew from a 3x into a 4, and quickly into a 6, and almost into a 7. I have never bought anything bigger than a 4x before, and this time around I had to get 5x and 6, and almost had to get into a damn 7.
I'm currently doing 40 minutes a day on a exercise bike, which I'm currently doing just over 11.6 miles a day, and I throw in a day or two of walking two miles. My diet is about the same as it is when I do my weight loss thing, but this time around I'm adding a lot of veggies, but with that I have to deal with my blood thinner meds, but I allow myself to eat some moderate greens for a few weeks, and give myself 12 days of zero greens to get my INR back in range.
I thought I'd just drop by and say hello, I haven't posted much, and I apologize for that...I just need to keep going and going, and I cannot stop this time, I'm getting older and I have to nip this now. I hope all of you are doing well in your journey, good luck and best wishes to all.