Cooking & Baking
In reply to the discussion: What is everyone doing to prepare their pantry for what is coming? [View all]La Coliniere
(1,193 posts)My wife and I gave up dairy and eggs 8 years ago and never looked back. We had been vegetarians for many years but looked at the research which suggested that eggs and dairy were not beneficial for maintaining good heart health (nor a healthy environment) so we ditched them. Incredibly, my eczema disappeared and arthritic inflammation was drastically reduced. At 70 years old I still ski, walk 4-5 miles a day, and lift weights at a gym 3x a week. We are not 100% plant based because we eat one serving of seafood weekly, usually wild caught salmon or shrimp. Our pantry and basement shelves are filled with dried and canned beans, lentils and split peas, whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, barley and whole wheat pastas), canned tomatoes, tomato paste, vegetable broth bullion, peanut butter, spices, groats, rolled and cut oats. We dont use refined flours, but we still use some olive oil, which I could actually do without. We also eat some plant based processed foods like tofurkey products, but not too many and we could easily give them up as well since they are just guilty pleasures. I think we should start stocking up on frozen produce because if our farm workers get deported or if the felons tariffs go into effect, fresh produce will become very expensive. But I feel we are best prepared by not needing animal derived foods because we only need and want plant based staples to survive. Im hoping we can still get onions, potatoes (especially sweet) and cabbage, they are cheap and versatile. I will miss our daily salad, but Im hoping things dont get that bad. I wish more folks would go plant based. Its wonderful and easy once you start. Its a real adventure learning to cook without meat, dairy and eggs. Good luck!