To catch a mouse [View all]
Well, it's that time of year again and my 20 year old cat will sit and growl at a place she's heard wildlife but she's too old to do much more than that.
So I started to experiment. The spring traps are out because my manual dexterity and weak joints can't cope. In addition, I hate touching mouse corpses because they carry a lot of really horrible diseases here in NM. The glue traps work beautifully, but you're stuck with a panicked mousie trying to chew his leg off to get off the glue. Not good for the mousie or my own emotional equilibrium.
I put out electronic traps a month ago before it got cold enough for mice to come in and managed to zap a few desert cockroaches. Yes, they are that big here. I pulled them up and forgot where I put them until today.
I started to hear mouse noises a couple of days ago and the cat was growling. So I experimented.
Low tech, the toilet paper roll precariously balanced on the edge of the countertop was the first. Mousies were smart this year and just rotated the tube to get the cream cheese. Then I put vitamin bottles on either side of the tube and caught two mice that way. Live mousies went into the wheelie bin with the week's garbage to gorge themselves in mouse heaven before the Sanitation Local bore them off to glory this morning.
The third mouse was zapped 20 minutes after I put out an electronic trap baited with peanut butter. Disposal is easy, just open the door and drop the corpse in the garbage.
I will continue to keep the electronic traps out, even though I've only seen evidence of the three mice and they're all gone.
The bottom line is that somebody did make a better mousetrap. I can recommend these highly: