Cross pollination is a problem there. I worked the hell out of the soil and turned a solid block of shale into a rich organic garden in three years of growing. Radishes are great for that because they sent out a shitload of fibrous roots. They really break up clay and shale. In NH I had to deal with packed rock and stone. I still got a killer garden out of that, but it took a few years.
Hot sauce (cheap stuff) will keep most of the critters away, but just use it on the perimeter, not on the plants. I make a powder mix of red pepper, garlic, onion, and black pepper and put it in a sugar shaker (from the Dollar Tree - the kind old restaurants used to have) and sprinkle it around the area. It helps, but they still jump over the nasty shit to get to the veggies.
The dogs are great at chasing them off, but they get a little confused since we have a rabbit in the house that they are friends with. The sheltie can easily catch the rabbits but she stops and waits for them to play. It's a good deterrent, but the poor dog doesn't understand why they don't turn around and have fun with her.