My darling 25 year old son is bedeviled by OCD, depression, and an eating disorder. I did not know about it, couldn't see it, until he had self-medicated himself into a serious alcohol addiction.
Now he is a health care limbo. Everyone SAYS that the two issues (mental illness and addiction) have to be dealt with TOGETHER. But there is no real "dual diagnosis" treatment. The Alcohol rehab places may have a psychiatrist on staff to prescribe various anxiety medications, but they insist that mental illnesses cannot be dealt with until his "base line" condition can be determined... In other words, until he is completely in recovery.
Our health plan (which he falls off of in December) paid for one week of inpatient rehab. We paid nearly 4k for a second week. They discharged him with a referral to a 5 day a week outpatient program that he crapped out of in the first week. They cna't deal with his mental illness issues.
He's have to commit HIMSELF to mental health "long term care".. which he calls.. "You locking me away and leaving me".
"How the HELL do I deal with this mess???"