His daughter is a senior at high school and her choices for schools are UT, A&M and Baylor. Dad has already bought her one vehicle, but she has to have a Ford Explorer or better when she goes to college. Then she has to have money for cheerleader uniforms and camp, new clothing for school, an expensive prom dress and photos, yada-yada. The daughter will end up costing him about $250K if she manages to graduate college. She wants to become a nurse, but she hasn't had many science courses or dealt with the blood, urine or feces yet and the high school where is she is doing fairly well in her studies isn't known for its academic rigor. Meanwhile, her parents never married, the father didn't pay child support for a few years since he was unemployed, and the girl was raised by women all of her life (mom, aunt and cousin). I know that all of the women in her life are manipulative so she has been well trained in the art form of being a user. I think that she is also active in the speech events at school so receives even more training as a drama queen away from home also.
BTW, I'm not female-bashing just pointing out the circumstances for this particular diva.