Is Screen Time Bad for Kids' Brains? [View all]
A study featured on 60 Minutes is sure to alarm parents. Heres what scientists know, and dont know, about the link between screens, behavior, and development.
'A generation ago, parents worried about the effects of TV; before that, it was radio. Now, the concern is screen time, a catchall term for the amount of time that children, especially preteens and teenagers, spend interacting with TVs, computers, smartphones, digital pads, and video games. This age group draws particular attention because screen immersion rises sharply during adolescence, and because brain development accelerates then, too, as neural networks are pruned and consolidated in the transition to adulthood.
On Sunday evening, CBSs 60 Minutes reported on early results from the A.B.C.D. Study (for Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development), a $300 million project financed by the National Institutes of Health. The study aims to reveal how brain development is affected by a range of experiences, including substance use, concussions, and screen time. As part of an exposé on screen time, 60 Minutes reported that heavy screen use was associated with lower scores on some aptitude tests, and to accelerated cortical thinning" a natural process in some children. But the data is preliminary, and its unclear whether the effects are lasting or even meaningful.
Does screen addiction change the brain?
Yes, but so does every other activity that children engage in: sleep, homework, playing soccer, arguing, growing up in poverty, reading, vaping behind the school. The adolescent brain continually changes, or rewires itself, in response to daily experience, and that adaptation continues into the early to mid 20s.
What scientists want to learn is whether screen time, at some threshold, causes any measurable differences in adolescent brain structure or function, and whether those differences are meaningful. Do they cause attention deficits, mood problems, or delays in reading or problem-solving ability?'