As I've said, he came in semi-feral and really frustrated, leading to a lot of aggression. Then one day, he vocalized while trying to rip down the venetian blinds. I told him "Ok, I'll raise it for you." and did. The look on his face was really funny, as he completely forgot about the window. "Wait, what? That works?"
Ever since, he asks for everything vocally. Over and over, with a great deal of signalling what he wants. Head swivels from me to the item, paws placed or patted on an item - you can't miss whatever it is. I talk back and, while he doesn't always get what he wants, at least he isn't attacking.
Among the things he's not getting - open windows (not blinds, actual windows) in sub-freezing temperatures. My food. My yarn (No, that's my Precious, not yours). And access to the bathroom linen closet. One time - just once! - there was a mouse who found its way into it and couldn't get out. It must have fallen in from the ceiling. DH was the only one home and was alerted to the noise in the cabinet by a very interested cat. Mice freak him out, so he finally lifted Eddie up to deal with it. Ever since then, Eddie firmly believes that's where we keep the mice. It's been years and he still stands in front of it, begging for another mouse.