Waggling your head, either by simple nodding or moving your face in a figure 8 is a very friendly gesture.
My favorite is The Breep: trill your tongue like the Spanish R while saying b-r-r-r-eeeep! with a rising tone.
My cats liked it when I purred at them: the same trilled R, voiceless, best when done like imitating a cat's breathing.
A question: I have always held my cats in a way that I have never seen anyone hold a cat. My left hand held in front of me palm up. Kitty sits on my left hand while putting their front paws on my right arm, my right hand holds their body close to mine. I don't know if I described that well, so think of it as kitty saying his prayers.
This has a couple advantages - it's comfortable for kitty and you are in a perfect position to control the cat if it gets spooked. Just pay attention for the slight tensing up that tells you kitty is ready to bolt so that you can get a firm but gentle grip on their wrists and ankles and your right hand holds the cat's body to your won.
The only way I have seen others hold cats is (a) like a baby, which many cats don't like to stay in very long, or
(b) arm around the rib cage with all their legs hanging in the air, which looks very uncomfortable. I certainly would not like being held that way.
Does anyone else hold their cat the way I do?