Alabama Republicans push bill to allow denial of marriages on basis of beliefs [View all]
Source: The Guardian
Alabama Republicans push bill to allow denial of marriages on basis of beliefs
Jessica Glenza
Thursday 5 March 2015 17.31 GMT
A Republican-led bill in Alabamas state legislature could radically alter the institution of marriage for Alabamians.
The bill was written in reaction to a federal judge striking down the states same-sex marriage ban, and sponsors say it could clear up confusion and protect religious rights. But activists say the bills implications would reach far beyond the LGBT community, and claim it is little more than an attempt to remove rights under the guise of religious freedom.
The bill allows ministers and judges to opt out of performing or critically recognizing any marriage that defies their convictions. The bill, the Freedom of Religion in Marriage Protection Act, also allows religiously affiliated social organizations to deny service on the basis of religion, activists said.
Legal experts say religiously affiliated hospitals could refuse visits from a sick patients spouse, on the basis that their marriage defies their religious convictions.
Judges could refuse to grant a divorce if divorce was against their religious beliefs; a Catholic judge could refuse to marry a Hindu, Muslim or Jewish couple, Susan Watson, said executive director with Alabamas American Civil Liberties Union.
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