...no longer exists.
We have many agencies, all operating to make notes covertly, recruiting "C.I's" (confidential informants) to generate information on people, and these opinions and notes are applied to citizens in secret dossiers without a question to their validity or even motive (in my case the persecution against me started after I was rendered deaf as a youth by a detective, struck with a stick in my groin more than once, and had the audacity to "rat" the offending detective out). No charges need to be laid, no arrests, most importantly no convictions after one having their due process. There is no two ways about it, this is precisely what Canadians are facing. A mix of the Stasi and Gestapo methods that are somehow deemed acceptable by those looking to protect their turf; they circumvent the legal system by unjustly and illegally rendering their "perp" persona non grata. Their life in Canada non-existent, life time underachievers who often don't know why their efforts were constantly squashed.
As an example, in Ontario alone, you could come into contact with an undercover cop or confidential informant from multiple policing agencies, from municipal police to provincial, the RCMP and/or CSIS at the Federal level. ANY notes, details, accusations, interactions, "unfounded and unproven activities" can be made against you without the benefit of a lawyer, a qualified judge (who has seen most of the "dirty trick" campaigns that police in Canada engage in) or any evidence. This is direct, invasive and life altering interactions by the state on their own citizens...you as an individual have no recourse or rights; the agencies themselves are no different than the God ordained leaders of centuries past.
It has become frightening that the biggest National Security threat in Canada (and to our allies) is in fact the security apparatus itself. This is not innocuous activities without direct repercussions, this is life altering interference. What is most offensive, is that unlike someone being charged with a crime, hell even going to jail for a said crime, those in the database can NEVER receive a pardon...it is something seemingly reserved for the most vindictive purposes...