Reading thru the headlines recently.. [View all]
With the loosening of gun laws in "MOST" of the states as of recent, it is clear that the pro-2nd amendment side is clearly dominating in the states.. It seems like Bloomberg's money stirred up the opposition far more than gun control supporters.
They keep pointing to polls, but for some reason evidently the people they find to vote in the polls are no where to be found on election day.
I am of the opinion that with all the recent talk of gun bans, ammo bans, registration, did far more to rejuvenate the gun right community than it did to the gun control community. By their incoherent and panicky press releases and shrill talk in the mainstream media, and with Bloomberg's money to spread "it" far and wide, they have quite literally reaped what they have sown..
14 States are seriously considering loosening Concealed Carry laws on College Campuses
Maine, New Hampshire, Montana, is close to doing away with CCW licenses altogether, West Virginia, is days away from doing away with them..Idaho is starting the legislative process to do the same.
And I am not even talking about Texas, which as of this morning, is still introducing pro gun laws.
I have to ask, is this the "new age" of gun control, and "New unstoppable tide" of the gun control movement, like we have been promised??
The military historian in me cannot help comparing the current "crop" of gun controllers to a typical arab army of the last century... Lots of money, lots of talk, lots of saber rattling, but ends up decisively losing the battle. Then claims victory "because we did not loose as BAD, as last time"..
When the leaders of the gun control movement show up on TV after elections and after laws are loosened, they really do remind me of "Baghdad Bob" ... Remember him?