US appeals court upholds Connecticut gun laws passed after Newtown school shooting [View all]
NEW YORK >> The purchase and sale of semiautomatic weapons will continue to be prohibited in Connecticut and New York after a ruling from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Monday upheld gun regulation laws passed in 2013.
We hold that the core provisions of the New York and Connecticut laws prohibiting possession of semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity magazines do not violate the Second Amendment, and that the challenged individual provisions are not void for vagueness, the court wrote, according to the opinion released Monday.
The ruling also stated, Because the prohibitions are substantially related to the important governmental interests of public safety and crime reduction, they pass constitutional muster.
However, the federal appeals court ruled that Connecticut could not prohibit the sale and possession of non-semiautomatic Remington 7615 and that New York laws could not address load limits of weapons.
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