I think the control side realizes that in the real world, in spite of campaign promises and Bloomberg's multi million $ spending on their behalf, they are still not going to get any of the things they want in terms of the draconian control or outright confiscation. And even a new SCOTUS is no more likely to overturn Heller and McDonald than they have Roe v. Wade.
But they can't accept that, so they have now locked themselves into a set of religious like, faith based beliefs to give them hope for the "next world" or Australian/UK style gun control sometime probably long after they are gone.
1. "The tide has turned" belief. Somehow, everyone really believes what we do and guns will be confiscated/tightly controlled at some point in the not that distant future. All the current laws on CCW and ownership will be magically overturned by a tidal wave of pubic demand and the NRA will be seen for the terrorist organization that it is. Gun owners are just too stupid and obsessed to see that. This one falls in the "Magically something happens" or "Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes" category.
2. "There are fewer gun owners every month" belief. A few posters here have made that the core tenet of their faith. They cling to a flawed survey where gun owners didn't identify themselves and their ownership on a phone survey, so there must be fewer of them. Therefore they don't have to do anything to win but continue to sit on the couch and wait for all those old white gun owners to die off from eating too much BBQ. That allows them to ignore the obvious growth in states like Illinois where they have added 300,000 NEW FOID cards holders to grow the number from 1.6 million to 1.9 million in 2 years now.
There are other beliefs but those are the two that pop to mind reading this thread.