A Thanksgiving miracle. Obama signs new gun legislation. [View all]
Thankfully, it was all pro-2A. The CMP is now authorized to sell military surplus semi-automatic handguns to civilians (M1911/1911A1s), the EPA is banned from attempting to regulate lead bullets, and military officials have some flexibility in arming personnel at recruiting centers and other sites.
I've posted about the need for CMP handgun sales before, but I did not think it would happen anytime soon. Earlier this year the Department of Army and DOJ issued a white paper expressing concern with the potential program, yet we were still able to get it done politically. The concerns documented in the white paper were entirely unfounded.
There are potentially 100,000 .45 caliber military surplus handguns that could become available for civilian purchase through this program. The first year, only 10,000 will be transferred. Hopefully next year we can get the .22 caliber training pistols and the .38 specials added to the program.
I wonder if this is what the controllers meant when they were urging Obama to take executive action on gun control last week. I somehow doubt it.
Get yours soon! They must ship from CMP to your FFL.