They are coming for you’: Sandy Hook truthers escalate threats by posting home address of victim’s s [View all]
They are coming for you: Sandy Hook truthers escalate threats by posting home address of victims sister
Bethania Palma Markus
05 Dec 2015 at 22:16 ET
Conspiracy theorists who believe the Sandy Hook massacre of 2012 was a hoax are threatening the sister of one of the victims to the point the woman and her husband are afraid to go home on Saturday.
Truthers accusing Carlee Soto, the sister of slain teacher Vicki Soto, of being a crisis actor have been posting her name, birth date and address on Instagram. Crisis actor is a term used by conspiracy theorists who believe the massacre at the elementary school was staged by the government as pretense for taking away guns. Twenty small children and six school staffers were killed in the attack. Vicki Soto died heroically, shielding her students.
Family members of Vicki Soto have been harassed since the massacre, but told Raw Story its never gone to the extent of having addresses posted online.
Instagram users are sharing a post that reveals contact and family information, including names of Sotos mother, siblings and husband, and their social media user names.
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