Why Every Liberal Should Join Me In The NRA [View all]
Why Every Liberal Should Join Me In The NRA
by Eric Frost-Barnes Dec 10, 07:54
Raise your hand if you like Dead Americans. Just stick it right up there. If you raised your hand, then stop reading, this article is not for you youre not welcome here anymore.
If, however, the thought of Americans needlessly dying is as upsetting to you as it is to this proud liberal then perhaps youve also become depressed, frustrated, and disgusted by not only the near-endless mass shootings across our land but also from the apathy, empty rhetoric, and feigned compassion our political leaders spout after every one of these unacceptable and potentially avoidable tragedies.
I know the dead Americans opening angle is harsh, even somewhat cruel. But whats going on in our country this undeniable epidemic of gun-related violence is harsh and cruel. Were losing on average more than 30,000 American men, women, and worst of all, children every single year, with more than 1/3rd of those gun-related deaths being homicides. Yet, here we are. Stories about gun-related homicides and tragic accidental shootings are as common on the nightly news as sports scores and way-too-cheery weather people with way-too-white teeth.
There are two common-denominators to all these gun-related deaths occurring here in the United States. One, theyre happening to Americans (yes, you may call me Captain Obvious). Two, they involve some kind of firearm (yes, you may call me an idiot).