How to tell if you're serious about gun-control [View all]
Go to a mall on a weekend, bring a clipboard, notepad, pen and red crayon; ask everyone who's willing to listen and answer two questions:
#1 Are you for or against common-sense gun controls?
(Record all the yes answers, no names just a remark or check-mark.)
#2 Please define common-sense gun controls.
(Record all the answers with some detail about what each person thinks.)
Record all the actual responses to #1 on a single page. If anyone answers 'no', assure them that you don't mean more gun-control, you just mean in total only the gun-control which they consider to be common-sense.
Record each response to question #2 on a single page. Make sure you have prepared ahead a number of the popular gun-control measures including:
* BGCs as they currently exist
* an option to eliminate some aspects of current BGCs
* an option to add some aspects to current BGCs
* universal BGCs
* mandatory prison for crimes committed with a gun
* registration for anything that fires a bullet .22 cal or larger
* registration but only for handguns
* bans on new handgun sales
* bans on all handguns
* bans on all guns
* bans on "assault weapons"
* ban semi-autos
* (for good measure) bans on Republican VPs who shoot their "friends"
* safe storage containers for all household weapons
* mandatory periodic mental health screenings for all gun owners
* restricting folks who are on the terror watch list, no-fly list, some other arbitrary government list...
* gun-crime insurance for all gun owners
* high taxes on guns
* high taxes on ammo
* limits on number of guns you can own
* limits on number bullets you can own
* limit on number of guns you can buy per year/quarter/month
* mag size limits- single shot/5/7/10/12/15/30/... some other number
* leave things as they are
>> Have a space for some write-ins by respondents.
If you're ejected by mall security, arrested by police for being a commie or approached by folks with pitchforks, torches and/or guns you need to pick a mall that isn't in Wasilla, Alaska, Kennesaw, Georgia, Pahrump, Nevada...
Later at home, analyze the responses to question #2.
Cross out any write-ins for items covered in your check list.
Find all of the substantially identical control measures most common on the responses to question #2.
These should appear on 75% of all your #2 pages. Eliminate those which are missing anything on this list of most commonly agreed measures. Eliminate those that contain things in addition to this list of most commonly agreed measures.
Count the remaining pages. Divide that number by the number of yes answers to question #1.
If the answer is great than 0.6, you may have proven something. Take you results to your state or federal representative.
If the answer is less than 0.6, use the red crayon to write "bullshit" on the whole thing and keep posting things here like f*** the NRA.
Be seeing you.