We get some new person that declares ignorantly that the NRA is dead and/or dying every election cycle.
We also get the favorite Gun Control urban myth of "No new gun owners" on a regular basis too. It makes most of us laugh at both the concept and the desperation with which gun controllers cling to the myth.
So ... maybe you'll be the one to explain that with "no new gun owners" why Illinois had to issue 2.1 million NEW FOID cards in the last 2 years? The number of FOIDs, required for any gun or ammo purchases and ownership, jumped from 5 million to 7.1 million. No renewals in there, just new cards for new, first time gun buyers.
Or maybe ... deep blue, run totally by Dems, Illinois is an anomaly? All the other states have no new gun owners but Dem Illinois for some odd reason, has this huge new group of gun owners?
I'm sure the NRA is shaking in their boots at anything Mother Jones or you have to say about them. Most sources identify 5 million dues paying members now, so Mother Jones is a little behind the times there, just like you. But they keep getting most of what they want in terms of legislation and the court decisions are definitely not running the control way.
Oh, and as a committed gun control fan; which of the gun control organizations do you pay dues and contribute to? How many days of your time have you given up to support your beliefs and meet with your legislators? How many local Town Halls have you gone to to speak out against concealed carry, a new gun store or shooting range? Marched in your state capitol against a gun law? How about starting petitions to repeal the 2nd amendment? Anything? Something?
We just need to know if you have some real credibility on this issue or if you're just another online whiner?