Candidates take note, Asian Americans care about gun control [View all]
With gun control one of the hot button issues of the 2016 Presidential campaign, Asian American voters could matter in unexpected ways. Recent studies show that Asian Americans regard gun control as important, more so on average than other ethnicities.
According to the Pew Research Center, the support for gun control generally surpassed the support for gun rights as of July last year, but only barely. Yet for Asian American voters, that support rises to 80 percent, according to 2014 data from APIAVOTE and Asian Americans Advancing Justice.
One reason for that disparity might be that Asians are the least likely ethnicity to own a gun.
The Understanding Diversity in Target Shooting and Hunting research commissioned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation in 2013 found that Asian Americans were the highest ethnic group to say that in my own culture, owning a firearm is not desirable (38%) and that gun ownership negatively impacts my ethnic community (35%).