Funny, how the control minded have "Plenty-O-Studies" and people blogging from Mom's basement that absolutely and "authoritatively" "prove" we need far more gun control.
But, after 20 years of blog posts and articles and myriad study results "proving" gun owners are all wrong, they just can't seem to get many of them to vote that way.
We know it's hard for you control folks to get out of the house and leave that safe, secure keyboard and mom's home cooking, but hey, write a check, go to a protest once in a while, you know, do something real. (And their judicial track record sucks almost as bad.)
But then again, they always have their "go to" excuse for failure for over 20 years now; "Ummm, the NRA and big gun maker money bought out the entire Congress and all those Judges". They tend to gloss over the fact that a lot of Dems don't support their ideas either or that the NRA has been out spent on major issues and elections.
Most of them are so blinded by incoherent and ignorant rage they don't even know about the NSSF, the SAF or the 50 plus state level independent 2nd amendment organizations and credit every loss to the NRA when they had nothing to do with the lawsuit or issue.
Even with Bloomberg forking over $50 million last year to support them and out spending the NRA in elections, they still fall back on the same sad excuse for being perennial losers on a par with the Washington Generals playing the Globettrotters.
Hey, maybe with their track record we should all just think of Bloomberg and his minions here on DU as the Washington Generals of gun control and order some T-Shirts for them?