Century Arms Faces $5 Million Class-Action Lawsuit [View all]
Century Arms Faces $5 Million Class-Action Lawsuit
Century Arms, Inc. is now subject to a class-action lawsuit filed on January 19th over defective AK-47 safety / selectors. In short, the lawsuit claims that the safety / selector used on most Century Arms AKs after 1995 are capable of moving past safe and when moved such, able to discharge a round unintentionally.
And before you think the case is frivolous, the plaintiff has retained Angelo Marino, Jr. who previously won a class-action against Taurus International to the tune of $30 million.
The suit is filed as Erickson vs. Century Arms et. al. in Federal Court in Florida. Damages are sought at or above $5 million by the class. The suit alleges that Century did not warn consumers about the issue when it that they knew, or should have known based on testing, that the safety selectors in question could cause the issue.
The lawsuit specifies models C39, M70, 1960, 1980, and other 7.62×39 chambered semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles.
Oh look. Gun manufacturers CAN be sued. Just not for the unlawful actions of a third party.
That being the case, why is the PLCAA bad again, anti-gunners?