"If those opposed to gun control would simply realize that the other side includes a lot of patriots, they would score a major victory for political moderation..."
Yep - if only.
"hardliners seem to believe that opposing the unrestricted manufacturing and sale of guns is suspect",
Please, keep reminding those "hardliners", AND the rest of us, how even though "the right to keep and bear arms must not be ignored or infringed", it is VERY MUCH OK the right to keep and bear arms should be ignored and infringed.
Despite the fact "Decent, responsible people from coast to coast own guns...and they use their guns legally and safely", it is just common sense there should be:
- fewer privately owned guns
- a complete ban on "assault weapons"; and
- restrictions on "stockpiling" high capacity magazines.
Quite imperative (and sensible) we should all get along - after all it is simply gun control proponents' lack of clarity and their misunderstanding of the Second Amendment which leads them to believe that {owning guns, Semi Autos, and hi-cap mags} is not a constitutionally protected right.
"The position of this column is that legislation at the municipal, county, state and federal levels will tackle the dangers of assault weapons"
Or not. But at least NOW we are talking some common sense - legislation, by the representatives of the people; and not - for example - lawsuits targeting manufacturers and dealers for producing legal products and advertising.