RI Coalition Against Gun Violence holds 2nd annual State House rally [View all]
The RICAGV (Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence) held their second annual rally outside the State House, reaffirming their support for three critical pieces of legislation that would ban guns on school grounds, take guns away from domestic abusers and limit magazine capacity to ten rounds. The General Assembly has shown little appetite for these bills in past years, though there are some signs that some sort of compromise bill on keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers might pass this year.
This rally comes after a punishing Senate Judiciary hearing Tuesday night that lasted until after midnight. (Ill have a piece on that over the weekend.) Speaking about Tuesday nights hearing, Jerry Belair, president of the RICAGV, said that though he doesnt like to speak ill of any elected officials, Senators Stephen R. Archambault (Democrat District 22, Smithfield, North Providence, Johnston) and Frank S. Lombardi (Democrat Distict 26, Cranston), did more testifying than almost anybody else. They seemed to be unwilling to listen.
Between the first three witnesses, all representing the gun lobby, and the Senators own testimony it took three hours before a single member of the public representing the other side of the argument could testify, said Belair. When his side finally got to speak, said Belair, the Senators did everything they could to interrupt and disagree, doing everything they could to not make us as effective in delivering our message.
Belair teased a poll that the RICAGV will be releasing soon that indicates that Rhode Islanders, 3 to 1, want a ten round magazine limit. The same poll says 4 to 1 Rhode Islanders dont want guns in schools (contrary to Senator Lombardis fantasy scenario spelled out here), and 92 percent of Rhode Islanders dont want domestic violence offenders to possess guns.