Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Anti-Gun Control argument fail... [View all]1965Comet
(175 posts)"As to that posting, we can always talk about both measures. But what has been done is to create a "new" measure (MassShootings© or apples), and then make the dubious case that they have increased massively when the only longitudinal measure we have is for the last 4 or so years of the life of the new measure, OR we must measure MS against the older Mass Murder defnition -- oranges. Boy, that 'll get you a ready-made increase!"
I have not seen anyone reporting the "mass shooting" numbers (470 this year by Mass Shooting Tracker count) as the same as the old "mass murder" FBI numbers. Do you have any links to people doing this and saying there has been a massive increase due to the deceit?
It seems to me that Mass Shooting Tracker does not try to pass its numbers off as the same as the FBI numbers. Indeed, the Mass Shooting Tracker site mentions the difference in its "about" section, and thus does not attempt to deceive anyone.
In the absence of any deceit like that above, there is no logical reason to favor the FBI "mass murder" definition over the "mass shooting" definition. In fact, if we are talking in general about gun violence, it makes more sense to talk about "shootings" rather than just "murders" (although, to be fair, it would be EVEN MORE appropriate to talk about the shooting of any number of people injured, rather than the arbitrary four).