Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: The 2A has been written by men and can just as easily be deleted by men. It's no biggie. [View all]Sophia4
(3,515 posts)If all guns are illegal, and I am not suggesting they should be, then you defend yourself without a gun.
The right to self-defense does not permit us to have atom bombs, other nuclear weapons or weapons that impose unconscionable damage on those against whom we are defending ourselves.
If individuals who possessed guns only used them to defend themselves against others with guns, no one would suggest that the guns be made illegal. The problem is, the dilemma we face is, that people use guns a) to bully other (usually unarmed) people, b) to shoot other (usually unarmed) people, and c) to kill other (usually unarmed and innocent) people.
If gun-lovers want to keep their guns, they have a very limited time to prevent these mass shootings and gun accidents because the American people have had enough.
Most of us are not obsessed with shooting guns. We have better things to do, and with each shooting, especially each mass shooting, Americans are becoming less and less patient with the gun fanatics and more and more inclined to end the right to possess these extremely lethal weapons.
We don't want atom bombs in our communities. That's obvious to everyone.
Well, we don't want weapons of war, weapons that can kill over 40 people in a matter of minutes, in our communities either.
And age rules would not have prevented the shooting, the killing, the massacre in Las Vegas. So if you represent the gun manufacturers, please tell them to change their line of business because we don't want guns in our streets.
If guns are against the law, it simplifies the work of the police. If you have a gun, you are automatically a criminal. It's easy to prove who has the guns. And if having a gun means that you are a criminal, police can just arrest everyone who has a gun and be done with it.
Possessing addictive drugs without a prescription is against the law because most of the addictive drugs can kill. The police know that if they find someone in possession of addictive drugs, they can arrest that person.
That is how it will be with guns unless gun lovers figure out some way to end the killing short of arming babies.
Adding more guns will cause more deaths.
Telling schools to add teachers with guns is like telling a person addicted to a drug to take more of the drug. It will end in disaster.