Regarding the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) [View all]
This law protects individuals and companies who legally engage in arms commerce from civil liability due to criminal use or misuse of the arms in question. It does not protect the dealers and sellers who don't follow the law in transferring guns to those prohibited from having them. It doesn't protect manufactures from being sued over faulty weapons or dangerous design flaws.
Some folks feel that companies like Ruger and Smith & Wesson should not be protected from civil suits due to the criminal actions of those using their products.
In 2001, letters were sent to various individuals and news media offices. These letters were weapons, analogous to guns, because they contained anthrax spores, which were analogous to bullets.
Exactly who should be responsible, criminally and civilly, for deaths, infections and injuries from these heinous actions?
Maybe the company that made the blank envelopes should bear some responsibility. Maybe the post office that transported and delivered the letters is partially to blame.
IMO shifting responsibility toward lawfully operating companies and individuals also shifts responsibility AWAY FROM THE CRIMINALS and is a really bad idea.