CNNs Final Humiliation: Corey Lewandowski Quits To Work For Trump [View all]
Source: Media Matters
CNNs Final Humiliation: Corey Lewandowski Quits To Work For Trump
The Network Should Have Fired Him Months Ago
November 12, 2016 12:07 PM EST BEN DIMIERO
Corey Lewandowski, former campaign manager for President-elect Donald Trump turned professional Trump propagandist for CNN, has resigned from the network amid reports that he is seeking a job in the new administration. His resignation just days after Trumps win underlines the farcical nature of his employment as a political commentator for CNN during the election. And the nature of his exit -- proactively resigning to potentially go back to officially working for Trump rather than being fired by CNN for obvious ethical reasons -- should humiliate the network.
CNN hired Lewandowski shortly after he was fired by the campaign in June. His hiring was immediately and widely criticized, both due to his history of open hostility toward -- and even physical altercations with -- the press, and the fact that he was likely prevented from criticizing Trump due to a non-disparagement agreement. The New York Times reported Friday that Lewandowski has been frequently spotted this week at Trump Tower in Manhattan, chatting with senior aides and attending meetings, and that he is seeking a senior adviser role in the administration and is in consideration for a leadership role with the Republican National Committee.
CNN president Jeff Zucker repeatedly defended Lewandowskis hiring, even as it became clear that he was still drawing large severance checks from the campaign, advising Trump on strategy, helping to prep him for the debates, and flying on the candidates plane while working for the network.
Zuckers defense for hiring Lewandowski is that he provided needed pro-Trump balance to CNNs airwaves while supposedly being able to offer expert information from someone who had been inside the campaign apparatus. But CNNs airwaves were already filled with Trump apologists, and Lewandowskis reported non-disclosure agreement essentially prevented him from sharing any unique insight into the campaign. So what CNN viewers got instead was a lot of dishonest shilling on Trumps behalf -- and given the nature of Trumps campaign, there was no shortage of scandals for Lewandowski to spin to CNNs audience.
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