Robert Reich: Why is the media showering Howard Schultz with free airtime? [View all]
Source: The Guardian
Why is the media showering Howard Schultz with free airtime?
Becoming a Serious Presidential Candidate used to require political support, now, for the right price, the media can do the anointing
Robert Reich
Sat 16 Feb 2019 11.00 GMT Last modified on Sat 16 Feb 2019 11.08 GMT
America is the only place in the world where any citizen over the age of 35 can run for president. No experience in government necessary. No support from a political party necessary. You don’t even have to have any ideas or policy proposals.
Take Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks whose most notable achievement to date has been the Mocha Frappucinno.
On Tuesday, CNN made Schultz a Serious Presidential Candidate by giving him an hour-long “town hall” in which he fielded questions from an audience.
Why did CNN do this? Because Schultz is worth over $3.6bn.
In today’s America, someone with this much money can buy so much advertising and self-promotion that he automatically becomes a SPC just by virtue of wanting the job and having the capacity to self-finance a campaign.
Ironically, CNN and other major media are giving Schultz free media now because he can afford an almost infinite amount of paid media later.
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