Has ANYONE noticed the complete blackout on the huge anti-ALEC demonstration in Chicago last week? [View all]
Even Rachel didn't cover it, which makes me very afraid that they are being muzzled.
The notorious ALEC held it 40th Anniversary party and Strategy Session (I have their complete agenda)
in Chicago at the famous Palmer House Hotel last Thursday. It was HUGE, at least Two Thousand people
plus, big for that kind of thing on a weekday -- I was there, it was big and NOISY and a few protesters were even arrested.
Only one Local station mentioned it at all, and what REALLY shocked me was that not ONE of even the most
progressive anchors (think Rachel and Chris Hayes) said a WORD about it.
ALEC is having a HUGE influence on our laws -- The "Stand Your Ground" law that helped kill Trayvon Martin
was written by ALEC as well as the Voter ID laws....Right now they're getting ready to start Fracking all over the
country, threatening our water supply.
There is NO greater fan of Rachel, Chris Hayes and the true progressives on that station,
me, but if she and the others are being muzzled on ALEC, I honestly think we're doomed.
P.S. I got hold of ALEC's agenda for their big meeting and I can give you the link if you're interested.