UPDATE 1-Pentagon test-fires two ($25+ million) SM-3 missiles on one target [View all]
UPDATE 1-Pentagon test-fires two SM-3 missiles on one target
hu Sep 19, 2013 5:04pm EDT
By Andrea Shalal-Esa
(Reuters) - The U.S. military conducted the second test of the ship-based Aegis missile defense system in a week, firing two SM-3 missiles on Wednesday to intercept a separating target in space, the U.S. Defense Department said.
The Standard Missile-3, built by Raytheon Co, was the highest-ever intercept in space, meaning that a larger area can be defended, the company said on Thursday.
"You want to engage the enemy at the farthest point away from you that you can," said Mitch Stevison, Raytheon's SM-3 program director. Another SM-3 test involving an even more sophisticated target will take place soon, he said, without giving further details.
She said the first test involved the SM-3 Block IA missile that is currently deployed, while Wednesday's test used the company's next-generation SM-3 Block IB missile. Company officials said the next test would pave the way for full-rate production of the new missiles.
unhappycamper comment: Since wikipedia notoriously under reports military hardware costs the $25 mill is just a starting point for what these things really cost.