completely restrained. I'm sure if you find a composite of all the videos, you will see the story unfold. And really CUNY wasn't very smart in hiring Petraeus in the first place. If he wanted a college position, he'd be better welcome at a military college or a college that had a major ROTC program like Virginia Tech where many of the kids are in a ROTC program and engineers are acooped up by war contractors to make more nasty killing devices from our tax dollars.
It seems ludicrous that anyone thought he would be well received in NY city at a liberal arts college. And I'm sure Petraeus has never felt this type of blow back or in his face contentious bile hurtled in his direction since the days of boot camp.
And in the past, when the police and Univ top dogs start harassing the people who Are paying lots of money to attend the college and who are indenting themselves to try and make their way and future into the world, they only cause more attention and larger crowds the next time around.
We are at a boiling point in this country. If 2014 doesn't bring us sanity in the congress and a method for creating jobs and a better future, it's going to get ugly. Those at the top are seriously out of touch. They have been listening to themselves way too much at cocktail parties and behind their gated security. They are really in for a rude awakening if things don't start working out in a more fair way.