Well, the most important is that I am glad you are getting great care.
I am 70 so that tells you how old I was during Vietnam. To tell the truth, I was teaching at a university and turned 26? the year they started the lottery.They never reached my number. It was very high. I don't know why I told you that. Do I feel a guilt for what you went through that I didn't? I can't say.
All I can say is that for the last year or so I have been reading/studying everything I can about the Vietnam war. Where did that urge come from?
One of the books was by someone at Chi Lai when that ammo dump was hit. Small world.
I have a close friend who was on a hospital ship at Da Nang. A nurse, or something. He still has PTSD.. just from what he saw on that ship. Nightmares sometimes...
He gets very good care at the local VA here. My former PCP, who is also a good friend of mine, 'retired' from his private practice and went to work at the VA because he thought it would be less hours and less stressful. Boy did he find out different. He is an excellent doctor and a very caring human being. He is impressed with the care given at the VA where he works. Everyone is overworked, but they never give up--- work all kinds of hours...
I had cataract surgery on both eyes last year-- piece of cake. took like 5 minutes for each surgery. Most of the time is waiting in prep. In the prep area next to me was.. a Vietnam Vet. He said things just like you...He only said that the VA nearer to him was not quite as good as the one where I live so he comes here.
I wish you all the best