The procedure that enables a person to discard their glasses has nothing to do with cataracts. That is an effort to change the curvature of ones cornea. Cataracts have to do with the eye lens. The eye lens is made up of protein and water. As one ages, that protein starts breaking down and starts blotching. This causes light to be refracted in an inefficient pattern throughout your eye. The procedure to correct this affliction is called Phacco Emulsification. They cut into the top of the eyeball. They use a laser to chop up your natural eye lens. Then they implant a pre-prescribed plastic eye lens free of defect.
I know this because I had the procedure done at 32 years of age. That was not a typo. Within certain families a genetic mutation called congenital cataracts leads to babies being born with cataracts. I was quite the conversation piece in the waiting room amongst my fellow elderly patients. Some here have said that they didn't realize how their vision had deteriorated as a result of a growing cataract. Well, at the age of 32, I realized for the first time what I never knew to begin with. The leaves suddenly had sharp edges as did the blades of grass. Newspapers use black ink. Imagine that, I grew up knowing the ink to be gray. The eye strain throughout college was an obstacle, I wish they had this technology back then.