There are tips to help make yourself more noticeable.
I think sometimes it's not just the age. It's the blahness and passivity of older women. They're so quiet, unnoticeable, sometimes meek. Sometimes they don't want to draw attention to themselves, and they're successful at it! A good example is when that Mr. Khan and his wife, father of the Muslim soldier. Remember how she stood off to the side, not saying a word? Not even making a facial expression. Almost as if she wasn't there.
Then, too, is the phenomenon where a couple outranks a single woman. Shopping in a furniture store, I had trouble once getting waited on when they were super busy, while a couple of couples who came in after me got helped. They zero in on the couples, figuring they'll be more apt to buy and will spend more. They might be right...I dunno.
But unless they think you don't have money, so that's not it...there are tips a person can do to be more noticeable in line. I notice when I look awful (like I've been working in the house and run to the store in a wrinkled t-shirt with no makeup), I'm not as noticeable to the staff in the grocery store. The nicer you look, the more upscale, the more attractive - the more noticeable. But we here in America put attractive & wealthy people up on a pedestal, don't we? We notice.