We had it tough in the office back then. [View all]
If you had to type something with two or three (PLEASE NO!) carbon copies you had to hit the typewriter keys so hard that the original had holes for periods.
Those round typewriter erasers with the little brush (for brushing off the erasure grit?) that usually made a hole in the paper and you had to start all over.
Then they came up with Wite Out, a white fluid you could paint over mistakes and type over it.
A page with Wite Out (BIC) looked worse than one with erasure holes in it.
You used a 3 hole punch to put pages in a 3 ring binder.
After a short while the holes would tear through.
Then they came up with those little gummy reinforcement rings you could v-e-r-y c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y lick and stick around the holes. If you were very conscientious you'd put the stickers on BOTH sides of the hole.
"Hell, that aught to hold it for-ever!"
And the glue would dry up after a few months and the stickers would come off and the holes would tear through anyway.
Mimeograph machhines.
I don't even want to go there.
What are your favorite memories of office work back in the day?