Medicare supplemental insurance for which we pay approximately 331.00/mo for along with the Part D which is going up quite a bit for 2014 which between premiums, deductibles and co-pays will add another 200.00/mo.
I called AARP for an advantage plan, do not offer one in our area, there are only a few to chose from and while the premiums are lower the out of pocket expenses could really add up. The ones we looked at had a max of 4000.00-5000.00 out of pocket expenses if one of us had a major illness or hospitalization. Also they seem to be more restrictive on medications and the co-pays for those can really add up.
We have pretty much decided to keep our supplement plan, it pays all the co-pays for dr and hospitalizations if they are required.
Would love to be able to get cheaper insurance but at this time it's not possible.
My husband had a great supplement plan from BC back in 2006 but of course they discontinued that since it was low cost and covered very well.
Another thing I hate is that so many of the Med part D plans available in our area all use Wal-Mart as the preferred prescription provider, we hate Wal-Mart and would prefer not to use it.
Not sure yet what we're going to do and the government shut down has caused some possible issues with Medicare.Gov where we have to find the plans available to us.
Would sure hate to be older and in not such great health trying to figure this all out.