Flashback...down memory lane. [View all]
Last edited Sun Dec 15, 2013, 05:22 PM - Edit history (1)
As am old timer, I sometimes find myself doing some funny things. Do you find yourself reverting back to odd stuff from your childhood?
Today again and for the past few weeks, I have been:
Washing out plastic bags for reuse, not the big ones, just the smaller zip lock type.
Drying my clothes on racks and on my radiators,
Making soup and stew,
I just used some old Fels Naptha!!! (Mom had an old wringer washer and used it all the time)
I now use the dust mop as often as the Vacuum
Remember when the milk man came twice a week? I also remember when the bread man came. Cushman's. Whole wheat or cracked oat bread per Mom's orders, none of that white bread stuff. Plastic Bags were introduced in our area in the 1950's over the original wrap.!!! These were the bags she washed and reused.
Today...I sewed a bra strap. Remember the days of cotton bra's, the straps would break all the time and they had to be sewn? I hate the new ones. No bones for this old timer. I miss the old 'Maidenform' cotton numbers from that time.
These things I recall save me money and I'm glad to remember them.
What recollections do you have that we seem to have lost?
I need to save any penny that I can.
I don't shop much since my husband died. Just me and my kitty. She is a fussy eater so she gets what she wants.
Me? Not so fussy. Just trying to be frugal.
In the old days, my mother would shop at rummage sales, no thrift shops then. My sister and I were well dressed. My kids were also well dressed from thrift shops, although no-one ever knew. It was frowned upon in the 60's.I would leave town to buy. Now 'thrifting' is the way to go. How times have changed.
Please fill me in on your recollections. There may be some ideas that have not come back to me yet.