and became mainstream due to the fact that his music was a mixture of Rock, Blues, R&B, Funk and pop....and likewise for his physical appeal, meaning that all races could find something in his music and appearance to like. He was also of a genre reminiscent of Jimmi Hendrix, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Little Richard, Elvis Presley, and James Brown all rolled up into one.
He was a Chameleon in terms of his appearance, and was light skinned enough that one might forget (a la Beonce) his Blackness (especially White folks).....considering his varying hairstyles, and may have had some work done over the years.
Evidently, to some degree he played into this criss-cross image he created, and tended to have the "girl" in most of his videos and movies appear of a somewhat neutral race.....a la Apollonia, Vanity, his wife Mayte (star dancer and his Girl in many of his videos)....and to a degree, Sheila E....but appears to have mentored the career of many Black and White acts as well.
He portrayed himself as bi-racial in Purple Rain, which further confused some....
Even in terms of his sexuality, he was even moreso androgynous than David Bowie or Michael Jackson, and certainly encouraged the notion of ambiguity without specifity. Most men most likely chose to believe him to be most likely Gay, while many more women than not believed him to be straight.....and to the end, one can only speculate, which is most likely what he preferred. as a Jehovah Witness and due to his multiple girlfriends and wives, one could more believe that he was a straight man who didn't mind playing into his femininity...or perhaps he was both?
Prince's Father
Prince's Mother on the right
Family Photo
Prince's Wives - He had a son by his first wife (on the left), who died 7 days after birth due to Pfeiffer syndrome
Prince as a young teen before he was famous....