No, I'm not here for this... [View all]
The more we forgive those who refuse to see us as people deserving respect, the more we assist in normalizing dehumanizing behavior
"McGraw.... stated, Im not going to say you were wrong or Im wrong, but he actually decided to fully commit to sidestepping any form of qualitative atonement. In his mind and his words, the offense of flying his former Golden Glove fists into the face of an unsuspecting Black man was of equal sin to that Black man simply existing in a shared space with him. That sort of problematic thinking should not be rewarded by a round of applause in a court of law, and it definitely should not be repaid in absolution."
"I am completely over the idea that Black folks strength is predicated in how much oppressive abuse we can absorb. Im done with believing that people who intentionally harm us due to our melanin are deserving of forgiveness without conducting their own introspective moral review. I wholeheartedly refuse to provide exculpation without recompense."
Forgiveness is wasted on someone who will not acknowledge why their actions were harmful. The social expectation that we be passive and kind and peaceful in the face of injustice is a tool to quiet dissent against the greatest harms inflicted on us - and it dehumanizes us.
And Rakeem is not to blame here, Rakeem did the polite thing given the circumstances.
But to frame this as a reconciliation moment, like many in the M$M did, is the wrong thing to do.
Framing an embrace as an apology helps nothing. All this charade does is erase the ugly, and feeds the self indulgent delusion that we can "come together" without introspection from those who inflict hurt on us.