5 Ways White People Can Fight White Supremacy [View all]
Michael Harriot
Yesterday 2:04pm
Contrary to popular belief, not every piece of correspondence received by writers at The Root begins with Youre the racist or Not all white people ... For every piece of hate mail received by black writers who discuss race and racism in America, there are as many from white people who contact us with good intentions.
One of the more frequent questions posed by Caucasians is, how can a white person genuinely interested in racial equality help fight white supremacy?
1. Come get ya boy.
Black people cannot cure racism. It is a contagion carried and spread by white people among white people. While it may be impossible to drive bigotry out of the hearts and minds of racists, there is a way to make it uncool. The most productive way to stamp out the scourge of white supremacy is to isolate the practitioners of prejudice by speaking out against it ...
Every. Single. Time.